28 Reasons Why It's An Absolute Miracle Anyone Who Lived Through The '60s, '70s, And '80s Is Alive Today

If you're over 40 and you've ever...

1.Been almost crushed by one of these super heavy car doors...

old car door

2.Or burned the life out of your arm on one of these on a hot summer day...

ashtray in a car

3.If you've ever been flung off one of these at 100 mph...

Old playground merry-go-round with chipped paint and rusty metal handles, placed in a grassy park area

4.If you've ever charred your legs on a slide like this on a hot summer day...

An empty playground with a metal slide that is extremely steep, captioned "A long time ago an engineer decided he hated children and wanted to watch them burn."

5.If you've ever accidentally stepped on one of these barefoot...

A metal ring-pull tab from a beverage can on a wooden surface

6.Or, lord help us, a bunch of these...

A red bouncy ball surrounded by several metal jacks is placed on a wooden surface

7.If you've ever had your shins absolutely annihilated by these...

Close-up of metal bicycle pedals with text: "CHILDHOOD MEMORY #261 BEING HIT IN THE SHINS BY THESE BASTARDS FROM HELL."

8.If you've ever pulled this out and touched it without knowing what it was...

old car lighter
Melking / Getty Images

9.If you've ever had your feet absolutely shredded after stepping on one of these...

Plastic carpet mat

10.If just looking at these makes you feel pain...

Package of pink "Improved Snap-On Curlers" by Tip Top, displaying an illustrated woman with styled hair. The price is $1.00 for 12 curlers

11.If you've ever clacked yourself upside the head...

Person holding a pair of Newton's cradle balls, one green and one blue, by strings in a home office setting

12.If you still have nightmare about this machine...

A retro-styled Maytag washing machine labeled "Sock Hops & Doo-Wops" with foamy water inside, situated in a kitchen environment

13.If this picture brings chills down your spine...

Vintage dentist chair and equipment with a caption stating, "the stuff of nightmares," suggesting a fear of dental visits

14.If you've ever tried to jump over this fiery pit and landed a little short...

A child in blue pants stands barefoot on a floor vent in a home

15.If you've ever almost suffocated in a mask like this...

Nine Halloween masks including Frankenstein's monster, a witch, a skull, a zombie, a sugar skull, a cartoon man, a cartoon woman, a superhero, and a wrestler

16.If you're pretty sure you're immune to most diseases after using one of these...

A wall-mounted hand towel dispenser holds a long cloth towel with a stripe pattern. The wallpaper and tiles in the background are visible

17.If you've ever burned yourself trying to fasten your scalding metal seatbelt:

A vintage metal seatbelt buckle with overlaid text: "Who remembers burning themselves trying to buckle up in the summer?"

18.If you still have a scar on your knee after using these...

Vintage Ward's Speedster roller skates with metal frames and leather straps in front of a green box that reads "Speedster Roller Skates."

19.If you've ever worn shorts on a couch covered in plastic...

Floral-patterned loveseat with carved wooden trim, covered in a protective plastic cover

20.If you still remember the clickity-clack of this jump rope right before it smacked the life out of you...

A segmented jump rope with red, white, and blue plastic sections and red handles

21.Or stepped on a bunch of these...

Five small green plastic toy soldiers in action poses holding weapons, including rifles and bazookas
Vasko / Getty Images

22.If you've ever had one of these hit you full speed upside the head:

Red textured ball on grass with text: "You can still hear the sound this ball made when it hit you."

23.If you've ever given yourself a "Mike Tyson uppercut" trying to keep this underwater:

Image of a Speedo kickboard with the text: "You didn’t have a childhood if you didn’t put one of these bad boys under your legs in the pool and pretended you were surfing" and a humorous comment about the kickboard shooting out of the water like a torpedo

24.If you've ever been stuck to one of these after grabbing it from the freezer...

Two vintage metal ice cube trays with lever mechanisms rest on a wooden surface

25.If you've ever accidentally poked every one of your fingers on one of these...

sewing pin cushion
Michael Burrell / Getty Images/iStockphoto

26.If you've ever been whacked by one of these...

A manual tile cutter with a red handle and a metal guide resting on a wooden floor

27.If you've ever had to use a bottle of this very, very painful stuff...

A bottle of Mercurochrome antiseptic (2% solution, 30% alcohol)  from Johnson & Johnson

28.And if you've ever played with lawn darts and lived to tell the tale...

Box of Kent Classic Lawn Darts, Model 5417, with a warning: "Not a toy for use by children. May cause serious or fatal injury. Read instructions carefully."

Then count your lucky stars. It's a miracle you made it this far.