23 Surprising Things About Aging That Young People Never Think About Until They Reach 40

Recently, I wrote an article sharing pieces of wisdom from people over 40 about things that people in their 20s don't realize will affect them as they age. You all seemed to love it — so much so that we got even more advice from people over 40 in our very own BuzzFeed Community! So young people, listen up: here are some of the most fascinating and crucial things that are going to be good to keep in mind as we age.

1."It was relatively easy for me to make friends in my teens, 20s, and 30s, but especially after I got into my 50s it wasn’t as easy anymore."

Woman in a striped sleeveless top with a ponytail smiling and holding a cup of coffee, sitting at a table with a man in a bright shirt
Jlco - Julia Amaral / Getty Images

2."If you’re going to drink alcohol, do it in moderation. It is actually preferable not to drink at all."

Three unidentified people clink shot glasses in a toast. The focus is on the hands and glasses; background details are blurred

3."Dental health is very, very important! I have a friend who is in her early 70s (like me) and she was a smoker for many years but quit about 10 years ago."

Three dental X-ray images show teeth with the last image highlighting red areas indicating potential dental issues

4."[People don't think about] how older women become 'invisible' as they age."

A woman in a city square with historic buildings in the background, wearing a light coat and a scarf

5."If you can have a safe, reasonable relationship [with your parents] try to find the way. Ask questions, let them talk, try to learn about their extended family, share moments. They go quickly in many cases."

Two people stand closely, looking out a window with raindrops. One person has gray hair and wears a striped shirt; the other has dark hair and wears a light top

6."Even if all you can save is $20 a week, save it. Don't smoke cigarettes (nothing ages skin more), eat reasonably well, and walk everywhere you can."

Two individuals review documents at a kitchen table with a laptop and phone

7."That little ding you got in college from being stupid that you got patched up and never thought of again is gonna come back and kick your ass in your 40s."

A 3D medical scan of a human skull displayed on a screen. The scan shows the teeth and facial bones in detail. Weather information "8°C Mostly sunny" is visible

8."For real, I had great vision until I was about 43. Then, one day, I realized that everything on my phone and every book was blurry. I was holding them way far away to try to read."


9."The reappearance of scars. Scars tend to fade with time. As we age, that reverses, and scars that had disappeared become more visible."

A close-up image of a hand gently touching a healed scar on a person's leg
Elena Titova / Getty Images

10."It's a cliché, but live your best life, whatever that means to you personally. There's a time to relax and do nothing, but make that the exception, not the norm."

A person kayaks on a calm lake with a dog sitting in the kayak. Trees and boats are seen in the background

11."Depending on your job/ambitions/career ladder, it is weird when you get to the point where people younger than you are in higher positions than you."


"My current supervisor is younger than me by about 15 years. As long as he remains a decent person, I’m not too worried about it. I’m too exhausted to climb any more career ladders. I just want insurance and a steady paycheck. But I do agree that the moment I became older than my supervisors, it was a little strange."


12."Do yourself a favor and keep up with your doctor's appointments. You may find your bad cholesterol level is now running high. You could have a stroke or heart attack. By regularly going for your office visits you can keep on top of this and hopefully avoid any problems."



Momo Productions / Getty Images

13."When you're dating, keep in mind that it is so easy to love someone's good qualities. It's their shitty ones you have to live with. If you can't stand or feel unbearably uncomfortable with someone's worst qualities, move on. Even if you love the person, they are not the one for you."


14."At 20, the size of your world is limited by time and money. As you enter your 40s, your employment should give you more money and time to spend it. In your 50s and early 60s, you have hit the sweet spot. Travel as much as you can to wherever you can."

Two people, one driving, are smiling and laughing inside a car on a snowy day, wearing cozy winter clothing including a hat and a jacket

15."You’d be shocked at how many people are having affairs. Even (or especially) in your own extended family. And if you ever get a look at how ugly some of the paramours are, all you’ll be able to say is, 'Why?!'"

Daniel Levy, in a black outfit, leans on a counter with his hand on his face, looking pensive. A mannequin is in the background. Text: #SchittsCreek, CBC


Pop TV / CBC Television

16."One day you are the old guy in the office. Even though you look and tend to act young, you are still the old person now. It's weird going from being the person told 'You're a baby, you have so much time on your side to live and experience life!' to being the person telling people they are young and have so much time to live and experience life."


17."Just regular walking is the bedrock of health at any age. Fitness does NOT have to be a big production. So many people get gym memberships, expensive equipment, etc. only to use it, like, twice. Just get your ass outside and walk a while, maybe three times a week."

A man and a woman walk on a gravel path through a lush, green park with trees and vegetation on a sunny day


Mtreasure / Getty Images

18."It really pains me to say, but you might not EVER get over 'the one,' really. Even in a good marriage with kids, I’ve never felt such a connection other than with this woman. I still find myself longing sometimes."

Two individuals, one with short hair and the other with curly hair, stand side by side on a bridge railing in a park, looking out thoughtfully


Urbazon / Getty Images

19."Your boss is not your friend. However much you may shoot the shit, however much sympathy they may voice for you... they will respond to their higher-ups and will can you in a heartbeat."


20."You will be fired or laid off, probably multiple times. It’s usually not your fault; more to do with cost-cutting decisions far above you. If you want to stay in the corporate world, become a rock star in a niche that can’t be done without. Closer to the money, the better."

A man and a woman hold cardboard boxes in an office while three coworkers, including two women in headscarves, watch them in the background


Drazen_ / Getty Images

21."Moisturize! But not just your face. Don’t forget your neck and upper chest."


22."Something I didn't fully appreciate as a younger person was all the benefits of wearing sunscreen. I know it was all over the news, but I still didn't pay attention. Five cancerous growths later, I wish I could go back and apply it!"

Two people in winter clothing enjoying a snowy day; one is sitting on skis, the other standing nearby, both covering their eyes from the sun


United Archives / United Archives/Universal Images Group via Getty Images

23.And finally: "How much faster time goes as you get older. My late dad always said life was like a roll of toilet paper, the closer you get to the end, the faster it goes. RIP Dad."


If you're over 40 and feel like there's an element to aging that 20-somethings just do not see coming, tell us about it down in the comments! Or, if you want to write in but prefer to do so anonymously, you can check out this anonymous Google Form. Your answer may be included in an upcoming BuzzFeed article!

Note: Some submissions have been edited for length and/or clarity.