Swiss Army Man

  • EntertainmentIndiewire

    ‘Swiss Army Man’ Directors Passed on ‘Deadpool 2’ to Make a Sci-Fi Movie With Michelle Yeoh

    With "The Death of Dick Long" opening this week, Daniel Scheinert explains why the directing pair have avoided the franchises sent their way.

  • NewsDeadline

    Joe & Anthony Russo Set Next Pic By ‘Swiss Army Man’ Daniels Duo

    <strong>EXCLUSIVE</strong>: Joe and Anthony Russo have made a deal with <em>Swiss Army Man</em> writer/directors Daniel Scheinert and Daniel Kwan (aka The Daniels) for their next feature. The film is being kept under wraps but it is a science fiction movie and is said to be as original as <em>Swiss Army Man</em>, the film that won them U.S. Dramatic directing honors at 2016 Sundance with Paul Dano and Daniel Radcliffe starring, the latter as a gassy corpse. The Daniels will write, direct and p

  • NewsBen Arnold

    Daniel Radcliffe's two latest movies have bombed

    While both ‘Imperium’ and ‘Swiss Army Man’ have much artistic merit, both Daniel Radcliffe’s latest movies have tanked at the box office. Over here, it made just £80,403 from 59 screens across the UK, despite the intrigue of its premise and huge amounts of press surrounding his much-publicised role as a ‘flatulent corpse’. Internationally, it’s made just $658,200 (£532,000), with the Russian market streaking ahead of the UK, spending around $355,000 (£288,000) on it at the box office.

  • NewsBen Skipper

    Five stone cold classic corpse comedies

    It’s a film starring Daniel Radcliffe as a flatulent corpes and despite what you might assume hearing the synopsis, it’s been getting rave reviews. Having a cadaver for a lead character isn’t what makes Swiss Army Man unique however, in fact it’s just the latest in a long line of comedies about the recently-deceased. Cult 80s comedies don’t come much strange than 'Weekend at Bernie’s’ (above), a film about idiot everymen and the inability of people recognise a corpse when they see one.

  • EntertainmentTom Butler

    Daniel Radcliffe: Farting corpse movie 'walk outs' were exaggerated

    Daniel Radcliffe’s new movie ‘Swiss Army Man’ (in UK cinemas on 30 September) caused quite a stir when it debuted at Sundance earlier this year, but not for the reasons they were hoping for. Reports from the indie film festival suggested that dozens of people had walked out of the film’s premiere, with Variety saying that “a continuous stream of audience members” headed for the door before it had even finished, and thus the the film’s reputation as “that farting corpse” movie was cemented for e

  • NewsGregory Wakeman

    Daniel Radcliffe Is Touring With His Corpse To Promote Swiss Army Man

    ‘Swiss Army Man’ is such a peculiar film that the revelation its star Daniel Radcliffe is touring the US with a dummy of his own corpse shouldn’t come as a surprise to anyone. On Monday Daniel Radcliffe and his life-like dummy ‘called Manny sat atop of a double-decker bus and drove across New York City, in a stunt that was called “Manny About Town.” They were joined on the bus by a number of fans, who then watched as Radcliffe and the dummy waved at passers-by and just generally looked rather b

  • NewsGregory Wakeman

    Daniel Radcliffe Is A Farting Corpse In Swiss Army Man Trailer

    You’ve probably never thought about Daniel Radcliffe as a farting corpse before. Well, thanks to ‘Swiss Army Man’, now you don’t have to. In fact, you can check out a glimpse of the ‘Harry Potter And The Philosopher’s Stone’ actor in his strangest role yet by watching the first trailer for the comedy below.

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