Household finances ‘under the cosh’ as inflation bites

Inflation is eating into wages as food costs rise - Niall Carson/PA
Inflation is eating into wages as food costs rise - Niall Carson/PA

The spending power of households has fallen and they are increasingly concerned about the state of their own, and the nation’s, economic health. Data released by the Office of National Statistics (ONS) yesterday have shown that for each person in a household, the money left for spending after taxes was down 1.1pc on last year.

The report is intended to offer a snapshot of households’ sense of economic well-being: how they perceive the state of their own and the country’s finances and future growth. It comes as the weak pound has pushed up the costs of imports, and as wages have remained stagnant, increasing inflation and making basic household purchases, such as clothing and food, more expensive.

These figures add to findings released by the ONS in September that showed while unemployment levels are low, falling in the three months to June to 4.5pc from 4.6pc, labour market tightening had not translated into significant wage growth. For the three months to July – factoring in inflation – both regular pay and total pay for UK employees fell by 0.4pc, compared to the same period in 2016.

Ruth Gregory, UK economist at Capital Economics, confirmed the real disposable income figures suggested that households’ finances are “under the cosh” as a result of subdued wage growth and higher inflation. But she cautioned that this squeeze is unlikely to be as large, or as long, as after the last substantial fall in the value of the pound in 2008. “Indeed, with inflation set to fall fairly quickly from 2018, this should pave the way for a rebound in real wage growth next year,” she said.


The stark disparity in housing costs across the UK was also highlighted by the ONS. This analysis was intended to illustrate how a household’s sense of its economic well-being has to be understood in terms of the costs it faces: Londoner’s high incomes are to a large extent cancelled out by high housing bills.

While the average household weekly income in London might be relatively high at £524, after housing costs it falls by 23pc. For the sake of measuring economic well-being by income, the ONS used median figures that combine renters, outright homeowners and mortgage owners in order to establish a broad picture of economic pressures on incomes.

Once separated out, as in other data, however, paying rent is shown to cost renting households 19pc of their total expenditure versus 13pc of the money spent by homeowners with mortgages, meaning renters’ are being squeezed harder in terms of housing costs.

Rents have risen to a UK average of £873 per month (£1,283 for London) in the past 12 months, according to figures from Your Move. This rise has spiked since recent tax relief changes for landlords have taken hold.

Colin Jones, partner at accountancy network UHY Hacker Young, said that government efforts to counteract the impact of higher living costs by shifting the tax burden away from lower earners will have “largely passed Londoners by”.


A significant cause of the economic tightening effect on households indicated by the ONS report is due to rising living costs, including real food prices, which have increased to their highest levels for almost four years, according to a Retail Economics study released today.

Richard Lim, chief executive at the economics research consultancy, cited pressures from the cost of food production and the fall in sterling, which continues to be felt throughout the food supply chain.

“This will hit the least affluent households hardest given they spend a much higher proportion of their expenditure on food. The knock-on consequence is for discretionary spending to be squeezed even further in the coming months,” he warned.

These higher food costs will be passed on to consumers, as retailers will be unable to absorb any increase in price, as they face “spiralling” operational costs, rising staff wages and business rates, and retail rents are heading higher “while the consumer backdrop continues to soften,” he said.

Mr Lim’s comments follow a reported 62,000 reduction in headcount for retailers, as consumers’ continued strong shopping habits failed to offset the impact of the move to e-commerce over high street stores.


The ONS report also showed that, for the first time in two years, consumers reported a worsening of their perception of their own financial situation in the second quarter. Confidence in their finances is now at a level seen at the start of 2015.

Consumers’ view of the overall state of the economy had also declined in the first six months of the year, from minus 21.8 to minus 27 – zero is neither bad nor good. Any negative score suggests a pessimistic perspective.

Mr Archer argued that these confidence figures reflected the overall slowing in GDP growth for the first half of the year, which he said was “the weakest six-month performance since the first half of 2012”.

Ms Gregory agreed that the drop off in confidence tallied with signs that consumers have become more concerned about prospects for the UK economy since the referendum, but that given current pressures on household incomes, confidence in personal finances had held up “relatively well”.

This is particularly encouraging given a slowing housing market and the possibility of an imminent interest rate hike. If economic worries persist and the real pay squeeze continues, however, sentiment will be depressed further, she warned. But other factors, such as resilient jobs growth and the recent rises in equity prices might help “boost” negative sentiments, she noted, adding that, in her view, “households should be able to endure the squeeze ahead without sharply reining their spending in”.

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