
Which version of Anthony Richardson shows up vs. Steelers? | Football 301

Yahoo Sports NFL analyst Nate Tice and NFL writer Charles McDonald discuss the good and the bad of Anthony Richardson and whether he can guide the Colts to a win against the Steelers. Hear the full conversation on “Football 301” - and subscribe on Apple Podcasts, Spotify, YouTube or wherever you listen.

Video Transcript

It's just going to be fascinating to see like if Anthony Richardson can get out this slump, man because if not, they are going to be in for a very long day.

If they can't get like some consistency in the passing game going, if he can just get, I mean, dude, like, we know he can hit some of these throws that he's just flat out missing, which is the frustrating part.

It's like you watch him, you know, sit in the pocket and the play starts and he's reading it out and he's getting to the right spot and then just be out of bounds.

Like, yo, come on like, like, ok, you know, one of the most frustrating place to me was the interception that he threw to Petrie in the Texans game.

I'm like, dude, you read it outright.

It was just a horrible throw like a better throw.

You might have caught him in stride for a touchdown.

They end up going the other way.

So like he is going to have to play better this week because I don't, I don't think that they can win this game just trying to run it.

You know, just trying to just run over the Steelers defense because one, they're tough and two, that's exactly what the Steelers are trying to do on the other side and they can run on your defense for sure.

Uh, so II I think that you just, you're gonna have to get more from Anthony Richardson.

I think when I look at like, just his talent level versus the cornerbacks, I know Joy Porter Junior is, is a good player, but like the other guys, like, they seem, get to me for a guy of Anthony Richardson's talent, but he's just gonna have to do it.

Um, so iii I hate to just like, do these games where it's like now it's all in the quarterback, but I think they're just going to be able to play well for them to win.

Anthony Richardson has just kind of shown that it's all highs and some, some really low lows and I, I, I'm glad that you comment on one of them, like he had an interception in the last game, um, where he makes the right read and then he just tries a trick shot and he just does the little foot stuff and it's like, hey, man, your fundamentals are actually pretty good and then he's just like, once in a while I was like, oh, I'm gonna try this, like, I'm gonna go side arm and spray my legs do all that and it just just doesn't work and it just misses.

And II, I feel like he's in a trick shot competition or a like trick competition at X games.

And, and I feel like I want to take away that card from him and be like, I'll ground him, take away your phone.

So you do your homework, which is just hitch up and throw it on time.