
A-Rod's personal doctor: 'I don't see any sort of injury there'

Alex Rodriguez is not injured, according to a doctor who examined his records Wednesday morning, three days after the New York Yankees announced a strained quadriceps would keep Rodriguez from returning to the team.

And so rose the enmity between the game's highest-profile team and its highest-paid player who could soon be suspended as a result of Major League Baseball's investigation into Biogenesis.

In an apparent act of defiance, Rodriguez, through Dr. Michael Gross, went public with medical information that appears to contradict the team's findings. After examining a recent MRI of Rodriguez's quadriceps, Gross told WFAN, a radio station in New York, "To be perfectly honest, I don't see any sort of injury there."

Gross said Rodriguez told him he was experiencing no pain. When he asked Rodriguez if he was fit to play, Gross said Rodriguez answered, "100 percent."

[Related: Ryan Braun's suspension triggers strong response from A-Rod's manager]

Rodriguez appears to believe the Yankees are conspiring to keep him from returning from the disabled list, perhaps in order to collect the insurance on Rodriguez's contract were Rodriguez to be declared unfit to play. Rodriguez is due nearly $100 million over the next 4 ½ seasons. The Yankees, who would make up 80 percent of the contract via insurance, have denied this.

Rodriguez recently concluded a long recovery from January hip surgery, and in the waning hours of his minor-league rehabilitation assignment experienced what the club called a Grade 1 strain of his quadriceps. Rodriguez has returned to the club's Tampa facility for rest and recovery, though from an injury his doctor claimed does not exist.

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