
Should fantasy managers stay away from the Jets offense against Buffalo? | Fantasy Football Live

Yahoo Sports' Jason Fitz and Tera Roberts explain why there may be only one viable fantasy option on Monday Night Football.

Video Transcript

The offensive coordinator change isn't gonna fix the Jets.

I cannot scream this loud enough.

I said before bench all of your Jets and at the time, everybody looked at me like I was crazy.

What have we seen since then?

Offensive inefficiency, inaccuracy and offensive line.

That's not very good.

Now they bring Todd Downing in as an offensive coordinator.

Let me scream this again.

I have a lot of familiarity with Todd.

I, I watched Todd with the Raiders.

I watched an offense that was good, become predictable and bad.

And then he became the offensive coordinator of the Titans, a team that I know because of my years in Nashville and as I did weekly hits on ESPN radio in Nashville, everybody said is downing gonna be the answer.

And my answer to that question consistently was only if the answer is it's bad.

This is not a good change for the, for the Jets.

This is not an offensive coordinator.

I believe in this offense will become more predictable.

This offense will become easier to read for defenses.

This offense will not run the football, they need to, none of this will fix the New York Jets.

So I will continue to scream as I have for weeks and I've been right about bench all of your Jets.

They are not gonna give you the numbers that they want, man.

Tarek give us some positivity here.

What, what do you got for a, a storyline?


How can I follow that?

Um Yeah, I guess I let me whisper at my storyline.

It's, it's a Bruce Hall redemption week.

I say redemption versus a bounce back because as, as Fitz kind of mentioned there, Bruce Hall needs redemption here in the eyes of much Malign fantasy managers.

Some have even jumped ship to say that Bruce is gonna lose his job this way too far guys.

We gotta take step back here and look at this season for what it is.

Um Beyond all the chaos.

Uh This is a running back, struggling in bad match ups.

He got off to a good start.

All things considered finishing his RB 15 RB four RB 12, not what we expected in terms of the ceiling, but hey, it was getting the job done.

We were fine with it.

We were a little bit concerned about Braylyn Allen contributing more than we anticipated.

The past couple of weeks have been absolutely miserable for Hall though, with a total of 27 rushing yards on 19 attempts.

That is quite possibly the ugliest thing you can ever produce, but again, had bad ups here and this week he gets a break.

Buffalo is a tough defense overall, they're extremely difficult to attack through the air.

If there's one way you want to attack them, it is on the ground, they are giving up an average of over 100 yards, two opposing running backs and that is not all that game with Derek Henry running backs have consistently done well against them.

Expect hopefully the Jets to do the right thing here and lean on the run game in this difficult matchup.

And for Brees Hall to get his redemption week here.