
Dolphins execute greatest trick play of the season. Yes, the Dolphins.

A great trick play is a thing of beauty, and when it’s something as bizarre as this, you tip your cap and applaud:

Check out that strangeness. You’ve got the punter lined up in the quarterback slot, then five players split to one side, four to another. Buried in that mix: the actual field goal kicker, Jason Sanders, who gets open for a shovel pass.

Sanders went ahead and kicked the extra point, scoring all seven points on the possession himself, which has to tie some kind of record set back in football’s olden days. The play gave the Dolphins a 14-13 lead over Philadelphia, but more importantly, gave them bragging rights for the best trick play of the season.

The formation was a clear improvement over a similar everybody-get-wide formation that the Colts attempted a few years back in what was generally considered the worst attempt at a trick play in NFL history:

Yeah, a touchdown is a definite improvement over that atrocity.

Jason Sanders (#7) and Matt Haack (#2), seen here earlier in the season, pulled off a sweet trick play against the Eagles on Sunday. (Photo by Michael Reaves/Getty Images)
Jason Sanders (#7) and Matt Haack (#2), seen here earlier in the season, pulled off a sweet trick play against the Eagles on Sunday. (Photo by Michael Reaves/Getty Images)


Jay Busbee is a writer for Yahoo Sports. Contact him at or find him on Twitter or on Facebook.

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