Yahoo BOSS Services — Payment Terms

  1. Payment Terms and Conditions
    Yahoo reserves the right to update and change, from time to time, these Payment Terms and all documents incorporated by reference. You can find the most recent version of these Payment Terms here and the Yahoo BOSS Services Terms of Use (the “BOSS TOU”) here, which are incorporated by reference in these Payment Terms. In the event of any inconsistency between these Payment Terms and the BOSS TOU, these Payment Terms shall first control.
  2. Payment Method Authorization
    1. Information. When you create an account, you must provide to Yahoo your Payment Method (see Yahoo BOSS pricing information for the currently available methods of payment) and billing information if you plan to use BOSS. You promise (a) that the Payment Method and other information you provide is valid, accurate, current, and complete, and (b) to maintain and promptly update that information to keep it true, accurate, current, and complete. If you provide any information that is untrue, inaccurate, not current or incomplete, or Yahoo has reasonable grounds to suspect that such information is untrue, inaccurate, not current or incomplete, that you have otherwise acted in a fraudulent manner, or that your account is otherwise subject to fraud, Yahoo has the right to terminate your account and refuse any and all current or future access to or use of the Services. You also authorize Yahoo to update your Payment Method information with data Yahoo obtains from the issuer of your Payment Method.
    2. Storage/Revocation. You authorize Yahoo to retain and store your Payment Method information until such time you revoke this authorization in accordance with procedures prescribed by Yahoo. Any revocation of this authorization will become effective when all charges and fees associated with your use of the Services have been fully satisfied, as determined by Yahoo. Your revocation of this authorization will have no effect on your liability for charges and fees that you have incurred in connection with your use of the Services prior to such revocation.
    3. Authorization. When you supply Yahoo with a Payment Method, you authorize Yahoo to bill that Payment Method for any and all charges and fees incurred in connection with the Services. Yahoo does not knowingly accept debit cards that use PIN numbers, and you should not provide that type of debit card as a form of payment. The terms of your Payment Method are determined by an agreement(s) between you and your financial institution. If Yahoo is unable to receive payment from your Payment Method successfully, or if Yahoo does not otherwise receive timely payment, you will pay all amounts then owing to Yahoo upon Yahoo’s demand and, in addition to other rights, Yahoo may suspend or terminate the Services and the associated terms, and all the information contained within your account may be deleted permanently. Yahoo accepts no liability for information that is deleted due to an invalid Payment Method.
    4. Fraud Protections. To protect against potential fraud, Yahoo may take steps to verify the validity of the credit card information you provide. The verification process may include debiting an amount between $0.01 and $0.99 from your credit card account and then immediately crediting the same amount back to your credit card, as well as asking you to verify the amount debited in order to confirm that you are in possession of your credit card. Yahoo will only use this process to screen for fraud and will not otherwise debit your credit card account except as part of a transaction conducted through your account for the Service. By providing Yahoo with your credit card information, you authorize Yahoo to debit and credit your credit card account for an amount less than one dollar for such verification purposes.
    5. Account Updater. As a convenience to its users, Yahoo subscribes to a third party service that can refresh expired credit card or debit card numbers with the numbers of replacement cards so that users’ paid Services do not lapse because the payment instrument initially on file with Yahoo has expired (“Account Updater”). By registering for the Services, you consent to Yahoo’s disclosure of your registration information to this third party service and to that service’s use of such information solely in connection with Account Updater. You also consent to Yahoo’s receipt and use of updated credit card or debit card account information from your financial institution in connection with the provision of the Services as provided in the BOSS TOU, these Terms, and the Yahoo Privacy Policy.
  3. Payment
    Your Payment Method will automatically be charged the fees for the Services you choose, as proscribed by the BOSS Price Schedules. All payments will be made in US dollars. Fees may not be credited towards other services. Unless Yahoo provides express notice otherwise, payment for the Services is non-refundable.
  4. Payment Method, Billing and Price Changes
    The types of Payment Methods that we accept and the timing for billing of any fees may vary, and Yahoo may, upon notice required by applicable laws, at any time change: (a) the amount of or basis for determining any fee or charge, (b) institute new fees or charges with respect to the Services, (c) Payment Methods that we accept, or (d) the timing for billing of any fees.
  5. Calculation of Fees
    Yahoo’s usage measurements are the sole, definitive measurements of your use of the Services under the Agreement and will be used to calculate your fees.
  6. Disputes
    Any disputes about charges must be submitted to Yahoo in writing within 60 days of the date you incurred such charge, otherwise you waive such dispute and such charge will be final and not subject to challenge. If you fail to make payment as set forth herein, you will pay a late fee equal to 1% monthly (or the highest amount allowed by law if less than 1% monthly) of all past due charges, and all reasonable expenses (including attorneys’ fees) incurred by Yahoo in collecting such charges. Charges and fees do not include any applicable sales, use, value-added, withholding, excise, or any other taxes or government charges, which are payable by you and are in addition to any amounts due to Yahoo.
  7. Termination
    Either party can terminate the BOSS Services as specified in the BOSS TOU. Any unpaid charges will be collected at the end of the next billing cycle.

Date: September 26, 2012