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Invite friends to a Pick'em group

A Pro Football or College Football Pick'em group's Commissioner can invite a new member to join at any time, even if the invite step was skipped during the group's renewal.

Send invites to your Pick'em group

  1. Sign in to Yahoo Fantasy.
  2. Under "My Teams & Leagues," click on your Pick'em group name.
  3. On the right, click Commish Tools.
  4. Click Invite Friends.
  5. Enter email addresses (separated by commas) for friends you want to invite.
  6. Optionally, enter a personal note.
  7. Click Send Invite.

Resend invites to Pick'em group members from last season

  1. Sign in to Yahoo Fantasy.
  2. Under "My Teams & Leagues," click on your Pick'em group name.
  3. On the right, click Commish Tools.
  4. Click Invite Friends.
  5. Add _renewal to the end of the URL that displays in your browser's address bar and press Enter.
    • Example: http://football.fantasysports.yahoo.com/pickem/group/123456789/invitefriends_renewal
  6. Select the members you want to reinvite.
  7. Optionally, enter a personal note.
  8. Click Send Invite.