Senate GOP fails to advance stimulus bill

Yahoo Finance’s Jess Smith joins The Final Round to discuss the latest news on the stimulus bill, as the next round of stimulus is still being debated by the Senate, with democrats blocking Mitch McConnell’s ‘skinny’ stimulus bill proposal.

Video Transcript

MYLES UDLAND: All right, welcome back to "The Final Round" here on Yahoo Finance. Congress is back in session, and the Senate took to the floor today to vote on a new stimulus package. And it does look like the more things change, the more they stay the same. Jess Smith joins us with the latest on that. Jess.

JESSICA SMITH: Yeah, Myles, the Senate tried to advance that so-called skinny bill that the Republicans had proposed that was about $500 billion for coronavirus relief, but it failed. It failed 52 to 47. All of the Republicans except for Rand Paul voted for the bill, every Democrat voted against it. And now we are left wondering when Congress might get something done. There is just more and more pessimism among the people I'm talking to here in Washington. There is not a lot of hope that Congress is going to be able to get this done before the election. But we will have to see what comes in the next few days.

MYLES UDLAND: It's September 10, and Jess, I think we started this conversation back on July 10. So I guess we'll see where things shake out when we get to November 10 on any kind of additional stimulus.
