Rachel Cruze: Why It’s Never Too Late To Reset Your Perspective on Money

Financial expert and author Rachel Cruze believes that if you change your perspective on money — also known as your money mindset — you have the power to change your life.

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In an article posted to Ramsey Solutions about how to change your money mindset, Cruze wrote, “What you believe about money, yourself and the world shapes how your life will unfold. Every single day you have the power to make decisions that will move you forward financially or set you back. It’s up to you.”

If your money mindset isn’t propelling you forward financially, here’s why you should change your perspective and how to do it.

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Why You Should Change Your Perspective on Money

Your money mindset is everything when it comes to how you handle your finances. What you believe and your attitude toward money make up your money mindset. Cruze pointed out that your money mindset governs the decisions you make regarding saving, spending and otherwise handling your money.

She also wrote, “Your money mindset shapes the way you feel about debt, your attitude toward people who make more or less money than you, how easily you can give, your ability to invest with confidence and more.”

According to Cruze, people who have a healthy money mindset have beliefs like the following:

  • I can spend if I want, but I can also choose not to spend.

  • I enjoy giving generously to those who are struggling.

  • It’s not necessary to compare myself to others.

  • It’s within my power to achieve the financial goals I’ve set for myself.

However, if beliefs like those seem foreign, Cruze explained that there’s still time to change your perspective on money. Otherwise, you may wake up one day and not be able to retire.

“You can become the person who believes you can win — and once you believe you’ll win, you will,” wrote Cruze.

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5 Ways To Change Your Perspective on Money

According to Cruze, there are five ways to change your money mindset.

Read Positive, Influential Books

Cruze shared that reading books that will have a positive influence on the way you think is a good way to change and grow.

Here are few she recommends:

  • “The Total Money Makeover” by Dave Ramsey

  • “The Power of Habit” by Charles Duhigg

  • “The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People” by Stephen R. Covey

Reflect on Your Life and Ask Yourself Some Questions

Cruze also recommended you ask yourself the following questions to reset your perspective on money:

  • What did I hear and see related to money growing up?

  • What’s one thing my parents did with their money that I want to do?

  • What’s one thing my parents did with their money that I want to avoid?

Cruze suggested writing down your answers in a journal and considering how you can make changes.

Donate Money

“Giving is the most fun you can have with money,” wrote Cruze. “And it’s a proven way to change your money mindset too. It moves you on the spectrum from selfish to selfless.”

Cruze advised giving money to a person or organization once a week to help change your money mindset.

Daydream About Your Retirement

As Cruze put it, you should dream about what your life can eventually be. Use that to motivate you as you make plans for your retirement right now.

Believe That Success Is Possible for You

Cruze wrote that no matter what your situation, believing that success is possible is the first step.

“Your behavior will follow your beliefs, making it easier to stick to good habits,” she wrote. “And over time, your entire perspective will change for the better.”

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This article originally appeared on GOBankingRates.com: Rachel Cruze: Why It’s Never Too Late To Reset Your Perspective on Money
