Corporate social credit gets stamped on blockchain in China’s southeast

Foshan city of China’s southeastern province Guangdong launched a blockchain-based corporate social credit system with an automated credit rating function, state-backed media reported on Thursday.

Fast facts

See related article: Beijing budgets $37M for government affairs blockchain platform

  • Foshan’s blockchain-based corporate social credit system rates enterprises into four credit levels using data from various sources.

  • The system is programmed to ping low-credit enterprises to request evidence of regulatory obedience, such as proof of paid fines, in order to restore credit scores.

  • China’s social credit system collects personal and corporate data to monitor and assess the behavior and dependability of individuals, companies and government entities.

  • The social credit rating of Chinese companies considers the firms’ financial documentation as well as compliance records such as food safety fines.

  • A low score for firms may lead to forced shutdowns or license revocation.

  • Since 2019, China has been pushing ahead with the controversial corporate social credit rating system for local firms, raising complaints surrounding corporate privacy and excessive government intervention.

See related article: China writes blockchain and digital currency into nation’s future
