Five Things to Know About Google Glass

Five Things to Know About Google Glass·Daily Ticker

Beware of coming off as a "Google Glass Jerk" in public.

It's easy to do, Virginia Heffernan tells The Daily Ticker. She's a national correspondent for Yahoo! News and has been writing about her experience with her own pair of Google Glass. Over time, Heffernan says, everyone gets used to the idea, kind of... "After awhile, I took Glass out on the street. I passed people in spring clothes, and I grew mad for them to be in contact with me. At first they fled from me; but then, it happened: A filmmaker spoke to me; he tried on Google Glass. A girl came up; a developer; another developer. The fleeing was ceasing!"

Related: Glass Menagerie: Poetry

The privacy issues surrounding the technology will probably ramp up this summer as more people use the beta version. Google's (GOOG) Glass will cost around $1500 when it goes on sale early next year.

In the above video, Heffernan points out two more important details about Google Glass: the hands-down best feature, and the one issue with the technology that seems to be a bigger issue for women than men.

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