People Who Clean For A Living, What's The Wildest. Most Shocking Thing You've Seen On The Job?

People who clean up after others for a living have one of the most difficult and thankless jobs EVER. People are nasty, and professional cleaners face that reality firsthand all the time. There's no doubt they see some wildddd things on the job.

Person holding a cleaning bucket with brushes, sponges, and cleaning supplies, wearing a blue glove
Seksan Mongkhonkhamsao / Getty Images

Perhaps you worked as a housekeeper at a fancy resort and saw all kinds of disgusting scenes. One of the worst rooms you ever had to clean had a stack of dirty diapers about four feet high, food scraps littering the floor, sticky handprints on the walls and bathroom mirror, and a pile of vomit on one of the beds. You almost quit on the spot.

A hotel hallway with a cleaning cart filled with towels and linens
Aire Images / Getty Images

Maybe your family ran a cleaning business, and you'd often deep-clean people's houses and workplaces. You once walked into a home and immediately gagged at the smell. The floor was absolutely caked in dog and cat feces, and soda and beer cans, pizza boxes, and candy wrappers were everywhere. The homeowner shrugged it off, but you couldn't imagine how they were living like that.

  Tetra Images / Getty Images/Tetra images RF
Tetra Images / Getty Images/Tetra images RF

Or, perhaps you worked as a high school janitor and have seen some HORRORS. You once went to clean the girls' bathroom and found a used maxi pad stuck to a stall wall, soggy cereal dumped in the sink, and lipgloss kisses all over the dirty mirror. Why?!

Public restroom with stalls and a sink in view
Chiccododifc / Getty Images/iStockphoto

If you work as a professional cleaner, we want to hear your horror stories! Tell us in the comments or share your story anonymously using this form for a chance to be featured in a BuzzFeed Community post.