Why October 22 Is the Worst Astrological Day of the Month

Oct. 22 has many different energies at play, all of which stand in our way of attaining personal happiness, confusion and movement, per astrologer Lisa Stardust

<p></p> Why October 22 is the worst astrological day of the month
Why October 22 is the worst astrological day of the month

Astrology is a tool for gauging planetary and galactic temperatures. The magical theory “as above, so below” allows us to believe that the stars command the vibe and actions of us Earthlings.

October skies bring many changes, challenges, trials and tribulations, creating disarray and messiness in our lives, however, one day, in particular, stands out the most.

Oct. 22 has many different energies at play, all of which stand in our way of attaining personal happiness, confusion and movement. The frustrations and annoyances on this day might bring a tear to our eyes or simply be exhausting.

Remember, this is just one day out of many. Although Oct. 22 is chaotic, this warning serves as a PSA to ensure we navigate through the drama gracefully and understand that it is a moment in time. Try to proceed with kindness and love, knowing that we’re all going through the same.

Here’s a breakdown of all the forces at play on Oct. 22.

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Mercury And Saturn Are Holding Us Back

Mercury in Scorpio is bound by Saturn retrograde in Pisces, discouraging us from speaking our minds. We are unable to make strides, resulting in stress and anxiety. Suppressing our sentiments could result in explosive moments in which we have emotional meltdowns.

Since the planet of communication, Mercury, and karmic Saturn are both in Water signs, our intuition might lead us to make assessments and judgments. However, due to Saturn's backward motion, which hinders our senses, these judgments might not be correct.

The Sun and Pluto Bring a Jealous Streak

In the morning, the Sun in Libra shares a fraught astrological aspect known as a “square” with Pluto in Capricorn. The Sun (ego) is debilitated in Libra because it depends on others for validation rather than oneself. When transformative Pluto is in Capricorn, old structures are broken and torn down.

The clash of these planets brings out the skeletons in our closet and reveals jealousies. Also, it makes us a force to be reckoned with. Our passions and competitiveness force us to win at all costs, no matter the consequences.

Related: Here's What Your Biggest Challenge in October Will Be, According to Your Zodiac Sign

Venus and Chiron Heighten Our Insecurities

Venus in Sagittarius makes a minor tie to the centaur Chiron, which is retrograde in Aries. Insecurities will dominate our hearts, bringing our fears to the forefront of our minds. Words of advice: Carry a rose quartz crystal with you or state positive affirmations to boost the spirit and to regain self-assurance.

Venus Is Making Fated Decisions

In the evening, Venus (the planet of love, relationships, money, social graces and friendships) in adventurous Sagittarius aspects the Nodes of Destiny on the Aries-Libra axis. We’ll be cosmically forced to make decisions — some of which we might not be prepared for. If we are unsure what direction to take, the universe will do it for us. So, watch out! Partnerships or situations could come to an abrupt end or take on a new path.

Related: These 4 Zodiac Signs Will Be in Their Villain Era This October

The Moon Is in Tender Cancer

The moon in Cancer is a perceptive and doting lunar placement on a good day. At other times, the moon in Cancer’s temperaments fluctuates momentarily. On Oct. 22, it might be the latter due to the other astrological chaos making noise. Its sensitive heart will be extra heavy, defensive and raw.

A grand water trine usually spells out creativity — but with the moon in Cancer, Mercury in Scorpio and Saturn retrograde in Pisces linking up in the sky, this celestial connection brings suspicion, doubt and ambiguity due to Mercury and Saturn’s presence.

The moon squares the lunar Nodes of Destiny, Black Moon Lilith (which dictates power and liberty) and opposes the asteroid Ceres (which represents momentary change and nurturing) in Capricorn. We’ll want to make conscientious choices that lead us away from circumstances and people restricting our growth. We want to forge our way, even for a season.

Spooky Season Is at Its Height as the Sun Enters Scorpio

The Sun enters Scorpio at 6:14 p.m. ET, heightening our intuition and innermost sentiments. Since the veil between the material and spiritual world is thinning during the onset of Scorpio season, it'll make us feel our emotions intensely.

We might even become paranoid or on edge because everything hidden beneath the surface is coming out. Not to mention, the spiritual energy permeating the air could bring unexpected chills and thrills our way — be sure to cleanse your aura with an Epsom salt bath or Florida water to ensure you're not carrying around the energy of others.

When Sun signs shift, it creates frenetic energy — especially since it will be in the Via Combusta (AKA “the fiery path”) of Libra and Scorpio all day (this occurs between 15 degrees Libra, except for 22 Libra, which is conjunct the fortunate star Spica, to 15 degrees Scorpio. Via Combusta is a malefic placement known to bring bad luck — so much so that ancient astrologers thought these degrees in Libra and Scorpio represent evil powers at play.

Beyond that, signs' late and early parts are called anorectic and critical degrees. The late degrees, where the Sun in Libra will be for most of the day, denote impatience, whereas the early degrees of a sign, where the Sun will be once it enters Scorpio, embody its full intensity. This means that the vibe of the whole day will be riddled with deep, brooding emotions that can quickly reach a fever pitch if we’re not careful.

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