Weekly Horoscope: October 13 - October 19

Jennifer Dahbura

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The weekly horoscope ahead is exciting! Here’s the cosmic rundown: The planet of communication, Mercury, enters Scorpio on October 13. This planetary shift allows us to go deep into communication and to suss out matters like investigators. The full moon in Aries occurs on October 17, intensifying our passions and relationships. The same day Venus, the planet of love, enters Sagittarius, making us adventurous when it comes to how we partner with others. Bottom line: Lean into your desires this week!

<h1 class="title">Libra illustration</h1><cite class="credit">Jennifer Dahbura</cite>

Libra illustration

Jennifer Dahbura


September 23 - October 22

Relationships are on your brain 24/7. Having people see you in an unfavorable light truly upsets you, even if it wasn’t your best moment that they caught. This week, you want to fix issues and make amends with those you’ve hurt. The only foreseeable downside is that they might not want to hear it after all this time. If you really want to make up with them, the best way to start is to send a heartfelt email admitting your wrongdoings. Taking accountability can help move this matter into a better place and begin the healing process for you both together

Person with a long braid looking intense.

Scorpio illustration

Person with a long braid looking intense.
Jennifer Dahbura


October 23 - November 21

When you settle in any aspect of life, you’re basically putting a white flag up and surrendering to the universe because you’re telling yourself that you aren’t good enough for what you truly desire. And you are. Never let anyone drag you down. If they do, then the friendship or partnership isn’t worth it. Remember, the people that surround you should be lifting you up and pushing you to succeed beyond your limits, not holding you back from elevating your aura. Perhaps it is time to reevaluate the connection you have with those who treat you this way.

<h1 class="title">Sagittarius illustration</h1><cite class="credit">Jennifer Dahbura</cite>

Sagittarius illustration

Jennifer Dahbura


November 22 - December 21

Being sneaky with your crush on social media might backfire on your clandestine aspirations. You may accidentally tell a friend who repeats it to another and allows the tea to spread throughout your squad. The good news is that you can still have your cake and eat it too, even though you exposed yourself. Spend time with your boo and don’t tell anyone the deets. Keep that between you two. Since you prefer to be mysterious, think of this as an opportunity to protect your heart from outside noise and chatter. Everyone needs to stay their own lane.

<h1 class="title">Capricorn illustration</h1><cite class="credit">Jennifer Dahbura</cite>

Capricorn illustration

Jennifer Dahbura


December 22 - January 19

Your villain era is in full swing. TBH, you aren't wrong, just misunderstood. You aren’t in the mood to be a part of the herd, you want to lead. The desire to assert yourself and standout from others may make people compete for the position of Queen Bee in the hallways at school. As you know, no one compares to your rizz, so they won’t stand a chance. However, if they come at you, take a step closer towards getting the popularity crown and rocking the student body by showing respect with a hint of side eye to your frenemies.

<h1 class="title">Aquarius Illo</h1><cite class="credit">Jennifer Dahbura</cite>

Aquarius Illo

Jennifer Dahbura


January 20 - February 18

Since you are the nonconformist of the zodiac, being a baddie is how you aim to live. That means fighting for what you believe in. This week especially, you aren't playing by the rules, but doing as you please when expressing your sentiments. The caveat is that you're becoming a rebel without a cause, so you might want to find a project that stabilizes and completes you. Commit to a humanitarian endeavor that helps others and allows you to be on the fringe. You might find yourself advocating for worldwide harmony through peaceful measures online or through sit-ins on campus.

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<h1 class="title">Pisces illustration</h1><cite class="credit">Jennifer Dahbura</cite>

Pisces illustration

Jennifer Dahbura


February 19 - March 20

This is a great week to express yourself through creativity. You may be lacking the right words to explain your thoughts, so letting your emotions be known through tangible means will prove to be beneficial. If you feel like painting, sculpting, writing, or using photography as a means to let your inner emotions be known, then you should totally do it. You never know where your artistry can lead and how it‘ll help in healing the heart from past trauma until you try. This new venture could lead to amazingness, which is why it’s a worthy investment of your time.

<h1 class="title">Aries illustration</h1><cite class="credit">Jennifer Dahbura</cite>

Aries illustration

Jennifer Dahbura


March 21 - April 19

Before committing to more than you can chew, ensure your plate is empty and not full of other obligations. At first, you might think that you can do everything and satisfy everyone; however, it may interfere with your homework and after-school endeavors. In order to create space in your life to take on everything you crave, it'll be essential to let go of things that you've outgrown. Then, you can focus on what sparks interest and brings a smile to your face. After thinking matters through, you will be able to decide what you want versus what you do not.

<h1 class="title">Taurus illustration</h1><cite class="credit">Jennifer Dahbura</cite>

Taurus illustration

Jennifer Dahbura


April 20 - May 20

It’s time for you to take a beat out of your busy schedule and enjoy life. Embrace every moment that comes and brings you happiness. In true Venusian form, you might feel like focusing on self-care. Plan a low key party at home with a few friends. Face masks, foot scrubs, and manicures are great group activities that will help you and your besties unwind. Also, it will allow you to bond in a healthier way. You might find a lot of solace and comfort in your element, urging you to make this a regular event with a different location.

<h1 class="title">Gemini Illustration</h1><cite class="credit">Jennifer Dahbura</cite>

Gemini Illustration

Jennifer Dahbura


May 21 - June 20

People are always going to have a lot to say when it comes to your relationship. It hits hard when your besties sneak in to snide remarks. But you don’t have to listen. No one really knows what goes on behind closed doors expect for the peeps involved in the matter. Your crew is basing their opinions on what you’ve said in the past, which isn’t fair because pals should be allowed to vent to each other without judgment. Still, if you want to clear up the misunderstanding, now is an ideal time.

<h1 class="title">Cancer illustration</h1><cite class="credit">Jennifer Dahbura</cite>

Cancer illustration

Jennifer Dahbura


June 21 - July 22

Emotions are running high this week, forcing you to escape from your brooding sentiments by connecting with nature. Although you usually confront others, you’re trying to comprehend the root of the problem within yourself. Don’t repress yourself too much. If need be, let it all out. Holding in your feelings can create bigger issues, since you are super sentimental to begin with. Most importantly, talk matters out with your BFFs. Doing so gives you the opportunity to be heard and seen, which will allow you to mend your heart and alleviate the pain. Plus, crying is cathartic.

<h1 class="title">Leo Illustration</h1><cite class="credit">Jennifer Dahbura</cite>

Leo Illustration

Jennifer Dahbura


July 23 - August 22

When you get upset, you don’t yell, you roar. Instead of hollering out your emotions, take a moment to understand why you’re angry in the first place and whether a huge reaction is necessary. Sometimes people like to instigate situations to get a reaction so they know that they’ve created annoyance in your life. When they poke the lion, it’s best to not holler with a clapback, but to go about your day like you’re unbothered. In the end, you’ll win the battle and they’ll have nothing left to try since you’re at a higher maturity level than they are.

<h1 class="title">Virgo illustration</h1><cite class="credit">Jennifer Dahbura</cite>

Virgo illustration

Jennifer Dahbura


August 23 - September 22

Cue pumpkin spice and everything nice: you’ll need a sweet treat this week due to the fact that most of your crew isn’t giving you a chance to chill. Being that you’re always there for others in their time of need, they are always ready to dump their problems on you. However, this week you aren’t in the mood, which will cause friction. You don’t have to keep playing the role of the supportive BFF in waiting. Reclaim your power and become the main character — if not in the dynamic but in your own life.

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Originally Appeared on Teen Vogue

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