If You’ve Ever Done Something Extremely Petty To Get Back At Someone, Tell Us What It Was

We've all dreamt of revenge once or twice in our lifetimes, but only an elite few actually go out of their way to achieve it. Revenge stories are always incredibly therapeutic; so, to the pettiest among us, I ask: if you've ever done something extremely petty to get back at someone, tell us about it!

Maybe somebody at the office kept stealing your lunch, so one day you brought in something really spicy to catch them in the act of theft. What happened?

Bowl of noodle soup with mushrooms, soft-boiled egg halves, and garnish, served with a spoon on a cloth napkin
Candice Bell / Getty Images

Perhaps you had an absolutely horrible roommate, so when you moved out, you stole all the lids from their Tupperware—just the lids. I need to know the story.

Person washing a plastic container under running water in a kitchen sink, with splashes visible
Pocketlight / Getty Images

If you've ever stolen just one of a pair of something, signed someone up for extremely annoying emails, or told an ex-boyfriend's mother just how shitty he was, I want to hear about it!

A woman with long hair is sitting on a couch, holding a phone to her ear, looking concerned
Antonioguillem / Getty Images

Or maybe it's something totally wild that I haven't even thought about. Whatever revenge story you have, feel free to write about it in the comments below. Or, if you prefer, you can check out this anonymous Google Form! Who knows — your story may be included in an upcoming BuzzFeed article.