Strictly's Ola Jordan despairs over battle with daughter Ella, 4

Ola Jordan in a white strappy dress on the red carpet
Ola Jordan attends the Pride Of Britain Awards in 2016 (Karwai Tang)

When we catch up with the lovely Ola Jordan via video call this week, the former Strictly dancer and mum-of-one is getting ready for a visit to Poland to visit her parents.

Her cute four-year-old daughter Ella is having a chilled morning at home as the family packs for their trip, which they are very much looking forward to. "I last saw them at Christmas so it's going to be lovely," says Ola.

Ella sits with her mummy on the call and tells us: "I'm still in my pyjamas," pointing to the pretty ballerinas and flamingos on her pink PJs.

"Ella's a good girl on the plane," reveals Ola about the forthcoming flight. "She has her iPad and colouring to do, so thankfully we have no problems there, and she seems to be ok after her recent ear problems."

Ella asks if they are going in a taxi, joyfully exclaiming: "I love taxis! I've got one in my playroom, and a red bus."

Ella Jordan posing in black and white gingham dress on holiday
Ola and James Jordan's daughter Ella (Ola Jordan)

The sweet little girl will likely speak some Polish with her grandparents during the trip, although Ola admits her vocabulary is limited. "When Ella stays with her grandparents she picks up a lot of Polish, but it's hard because we don't really speak Polish at home. I find it hard to keep it going."

Below, Ola and Ella (who takes over the chat in the most adorable way) tell us all about their week, from their Father's Day with dad James, Ella's upcoming nursery graduation and a very relatable argument over a pair of pink socks. Ola, we feel your pain…

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Spoiling daddy on Father's Day

It was Father's Day last Sunday and of course, Ella made sure to make her dad feel super special.

"We gave daddy presents and chocolate. I ate his chocolate. I ate just one bit," Ella informs us.

Ola Jordan and James Jordan attend the Gala Performance of "Disney's Winnie the Pooh: A New Musical Adaptation"
Ola Jordan and James Jordan with Ella (Getty)

"It was a chocolate orange, that's daddy's favourite, isn't it? And the Lindt chocolates. When we were buying them in the shop I said, 'Is that for daddy or for you, Ella?'

Ella explains: "For me. I just wanted one for daddy, and one for me."

Ola adds: "She gave him a card and some aftershave too so he smells nice, then Ella went on a bike ride with her dad.

The great clothes debate

All parents will know the difficulties of getting their children dressed and agreeing on an outfit everyone likes. Right now, this is a major issue in the Jordan household.

Ola tells us: "I went to Ascot for a press day and had an early start, so I had to get Ella's clothes ready the night before, then James got her ready for nursery. There's a discussion about what she's wearing to nursery nowadays."

Ella interjects: "Daddy did a plait for me. He normally doesn't know how to do plaits." We're impressed.

"I taught him how to do it," reveals Ola. "We started off with a ponytail then a plait."

James and Ola Jordan
James and Ola Jordan

"With Ella's outfits, she's really particular about what she does and doesn't want to wear. The problem I have is, yes I'm the boss and I tell her what to wear, but there are certain things she just doesn't like.

"It was my sister's 50th birthday dinner at the weekend and Ella wore a pretty dress, but there was a battle over her socks."

Ella tells us all about it: "Yeah and I wore pink socks but you didn't let me wear pink socks. I wanted to wear pink socks. I wanted to choose what I wanted to choose but mummy didn't let me. I just don't like the white socks. And my daddy didn't let me wear pink socks as well! My favourite colours are green, rainbow and pink and red."

"So Ella wore a lovely pink dress with pink flowers on," explains Ola. "You know when you see a little girl with white socks – it doesn't matter what dress it is, you still wear the white socks with the frills and the nice shoes. Mummy wanted the white socks with the frills."

"She said, 'But mummy, they don't match.' Obviously, we had an argument, and you know what, she didn't listen to me. She wore her pink socks. It made me really angry. To be honest, it didn't look terrible."

"Normally she'd choose Peppa Pig pink but she picked a plain pink which was quite good of her, to keep me happy. It still winds me up that she didn't listen to me."

The Jordans enjoyed London together
The Jordans (James Jordan)

Ella's nursery graduation

The big move from nursery or pre-school to big school at age four is a huge moment for both children and parents, and this September sees Ella start school.

"Ella finishes her nursery soon and she's got her graduation next month," Ola says.

"What is a graduation?" enquires Ella.

Ola tells her: "It's like the end of school thing, like a celebration. Soon you finish nursery and you'll start school.

"I remember picking Ella up from nursery and everyone was crying because their kids were leaving before starting school. The headteacher will be really emotional and she adores Ella. I'm sure I'll shed a tear, maybe James too.

"Already I feel like the first day at school will be hard for me, and James won't be here as he'll be here on tour. It's part of life though. It's a big moment."

Wishing Ella lots of luck for her graduation and big hugs for mum and dad! You got this.