A Powerful Supermoon Is Coming, And It Will Make You Question All Your Life Choices, Astrologers Say

october supermoon 2024
October 2024 Full Hunter’s Supermoon In Ariesgetty

You’re a complex person with a wide range of needs, but sometimes it can be tricky for even you to figure out what would make you happy in any given moment. Do you really want to go out, or is it better to just curl up with takeout and Nobody Wants This? And should you change jobs, or are you going to end up satisfied with where you’re at?

Welcome to the Full Hunter’s Supermoon in Aries. This astrological event is taking place on October 17, and it’s going to raise all kinds of questions for you, from the incredibly minor to stuff that’s a really big deal, according to Donna Page, a certified astrologer in Atlanta. That doesn’t mean it’ll be a bad thing—you’ll just have some stuff to mull over.

Here’s what else you can expect from the Full Hunter’s Supermoon in Aries, and what it can mean for you going forward.

Meet the expert: Donna Page is a certified astrologer in Atlanta.

What is the Full Hunter’s Supermoon in Aries?

Let’s back up a moment. In astronomy, a full moon is when the moon is big, round and shining down in all its glory. A supermoon is when the moon at the closest point to Earth during its orbit, making it appear to be bigger and brighter than usual.

This particular full moon’s name comes from a mix of Native American, Colonial American, and European sources. The Full Hunter’s Supermoon name is because this moon was historically a signal to hungers to prepare for the upcoming cold winter by going hunting, according to the Old Farmer’s Almanac. Around this time, animals were starting to fatten up for the winter, making them good catches.

In astrology, each full moon is linked with a particular astrological sign, giving it a special vibe. This full moon is a supermoon, which makes it really powerful, Page says.

The Full Hunter’s Supermoon in Aries will make you flip-flop on decisions.

Let’s be real: Decisions are hard, and you’ll be well aware of that around the Full Hunter’s Supermoon. You’ll find yourself trying to figure out if you should meet up with your buddies or take a much-needed night in. At the same time, you may struggle with making even small decisions, like what to cook or dinner or whether to wash your hair tonight or let it ride another day. All that mental waffling isn't your fault, though—blame the moon.

But the Full Hunter’s Supermoon in Aries will also have you thinking about compromise, and whether you’re doing too much of it. “You’ll want to find that balance where you’re not compromising too much, and that you’re with people who want the same things in life,” Page says. Little sacrifices will start to add up to bigger frustrations for you, like always crashing at your S.O.’s place instead of staying at yours or OK-ing photos that your friends want to post where your expression is a little off. Eventually, you’ll have to speak up. “When things are out of balance, you can feel a sense of frustration,” Page says.

That all sounds iffy and borderline bad, but it’s really not. Mars, the planet of action, is in the mix, which will push you to make change. “You’ll be inspired by what’s frustrating to you and find more harmony and balance,” Page says. Meaning, you’re not about to sit back and allow yourself to not be satisfied with things—you’ll work to make a change.

“The positive side to all of this is that you’ll take some action, even if it temporarily ruffles some feathers,” Page says. “You don’t want to let that negative energy fester within your body.” So, speak up and share what's on your mind. You'll be surprised how far it gets you.

The full moon will impact all zodiac signs, but Page says that Leo, and Aries will feel it the most.

How will the Full Hunter’s Supermoon in Aries impact your sign?

While wrestling with decisions isn’t most people’s idea of a good time, some good can come from this. You’ll learn to make snappier choices the more you do it and tap into your own needs in the process—it’s a win-win.

You’ll also get more in tune with things that have been bothering you, even if you hadn’t previously taken the time to process them. Taking a beat to acknowledge that something is annoying you—and actually doing something about it—can go a long way toward helping you drag around less daily stress in the future.

Finally, learning to take action instead of just sitting on things that upset you will help you to see that it’s not great to let things linger that bother you. As a result, you’ll do more to tackle and move on from things in the future before they can really build up.

When is the next full moon?

The next full moon is on November 15, 2024 in the sign of Taurus. During this full moon, you’ll crave stability and coziness. For now, enjoy the power of speaking up—it’s a serious flex.

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