Here’s What Mercury in Scorpio Means for You, Based on Your Zodiac Sign

From Oct. 13 to Nov. 12, Mercury will be in the fixed sign Scorpio

<p></p> What Mercury entering Scorpio means for your zodiac
What Mercury entering Scorpio means for your zodiac

Mercury is making its way into Scorpio this month, which could result in some deep contemplation.

In astrology, Mercury represents travel, communication, technology and cognitive thinking. The expressive planet chats its way through each zodiac sign two to three weeks, with the exception of Mercury retrograde which occurs three to four times a year.

From Oct. 13 to Nov. 12, Mercury will be in the fixed sign Scorpio. When Mercury swims through the deep waters of Scorpio, interactions with others and how we assess matters is penetrating and intense. Rather than relying on our knowledge and minds to guide us through situations and dynamics, our instincts take hold and help us navigate the occurrences in our lives.

Mercury in Scorpio can make us obsessive about finding out the truth. Since Scorpio is very direct and concise, this placement investigates and researches everything and everyone. There is no rock left unturned and no indiscretion unfound. Getting to the bottom of matters or important, so hunches we feel on a soulful level will bring us insight.

Taboos are interesting, pushing us to embrace secrets and unspeakable things. Nothing shocks us, as we are more open-minded and unafraid of the consequences of our choices. Also, we can strategize on the best ways to move forward and better ourselves. Planning is an important and efficient approach to proceeding with our decisions.

The caveat is that Scorpio is a Water sign, meaning we won’t be able to speak these sentiments but we’ll be emotionally processing them. Journaling, therapy or artistic exploration can free us of holding these feelings in and allow them to come out. Engaging in one of these activities will prove to be helpful and productive in the upcoming weeks.

Here’s how Mercury in Scorpio will affect you, based on your zodiac sign.



Your intuition is on fire, Aries. Instead of assessing information with logic and reason, you’ll opt to lean into your emotions and gut feelings to understand others and the world around you. Pay attention to your hunches, they could lead you towards gaining more facts and data than you might originally expect, leading to prolific insights.



Communicating with your partner and friends will be easier than ever, Taurus. Usually, you tend to hold back on expressing yourself. However, you are going through a personal transformation which is giving you the motivation to let your sentiments be known to cultivate a stronger connection with those you care about. Speak from the heart, Taurus!



Lately, it's been hard to get in line with a daily routine, due to your erratic schedule. Luckily, Gemini, weeks ahead give you the chance to get your ducks in a row. Not only will this ensure you get rest, but doing so will help in organizing your social calendar and events in a concise manner.



You're a Cassanova, Cancer! Use romantic words to make your significant other or crush swoon. Offering them sweet and sentimental poetry every day through text messages will not only speak to their heart, but it'll draw you closer together. As a result of your smooth lyricism, they’ll want to get more intimate and aim to strengthen the connection.



Home is where your heart is, Leo, so it’s time to give your dwelling TLC. The cost of renovations might be extremely high, but that does not mean you shouldn’t augment your abode with minor changes like new rugs, lamps or decor. Augmenting your residence will uplift the spirit and help you get cozy this fall.



The tea you’re finding out is piping hot, Virgo! Gossip in your squad is reaching a boiling point, urging you to create boundaries with friends. Not wanting to participate in the rumor mill will require you to set limits on the information you hear and receive. Drawing a line in the sand is a great decision.



Libra, it’s time to get on your high horse and tell people about your personal values. You’re in a position where others are listening, allowing you to step up and preach your ideas to others. You can make significant changes in the lives of your acquaintances if you’re willing to speak your mind without being judgmental.



With Scorpio’s mind being supercharged and active, it’ll be hard to concentrate on one subject at a time. To ensure you don’t forget about the endeavors, meetings, calls and projects you need to focus on, you might want to make a list or set notifications on your phone to keep on task without distractions.



It’s time to go deep, Sagittarius! Leaning into a spiritual practice like yoga or astrology aids in evolving your heart. You’ll be able to find out more about yourself and uncover secrets that you’ve repressed from the past. With your philosophical mind in full gear, it’ll be beneficial to evolve the relationship and knowledge of yourself.



Aligning with like-minded people through group activities like classes or humanitarian missions can bring you closer together with your peers, Capricorn. Sharing aspirations and experiences with those in your social circle who embrace your novel ideas will be inspiring. Plus, you will know who os worth trusting with your beliefs and is sympathetic to your causes.



Aquarius, this Mercurial transit is an amazing time to spruce up your LinkedIn or Instagram account and reach out to colleagues in the same industry to network. You never know what goodness can come in the future from emailing your contacts, which is why you should make moves to grow your professional community online and offline.



Pisces, if you’ve been longing to escape the mundane and travel, now is the moment to start discussing and planning the vacation. Think about the places you’d like to visit and locations that interest you. It’s worth the trek to the touristy hotspots if you are wanting to see famous and exciting landmarks in your travels.

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