Menopausal aches and pains? Try this miracle treatment

collage of a man giving a woman a massage
The Axo Method eases menopausal aches and paid (Getty)

I walked into Guillaume Guibordeau's Liverpool Street treatment room with my muscles feeling tight and my spirit feeling tired.

I couldn't have predicted that an hour later, I'd bounce out of his studio feeling lighter and more refreshed than I can remember, all thanks to his Axo Method. I rang my friend to tell her she needed to book in immediately, and I made a mental note to book my mother for her birthday.

So what happened in the treatment room?

man giving a woman a massage
Guillame works his magic on menopausal aches and pain

What is the Axo Method?

Guillaume's Axo Method blends osteopathic scooping movements, stretching therapy and lymphatic drainage for a hybrid treatment that leaves you feeling lighter, looser and more flexible.

More menopause advice

Benefits of the Axo Method

The three different elements of The Axo Method are key to the magic

1. Osteopathic scooping

The scooping movement releases tension, improves circulation and stimulates the body's natural healing powers.

By enhancing circulation, osteopathic scooping helps send hormones to target tissues, creating hormonal balance and overall wellbeing.

2. Passive stretching

Targeted stretching exercises help to enhance flexibility, relieve muscle tension and improve joint mobility.

Stress hormones, such as cortisol, can disrupt hormonal balance and stretching therapy helps alleviate tension.

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3. Lymphatic drainage

Guillaume's specialised massage technique stimulates the lymphatic system, helping remove waste products, toxins and excess fluid from the body.

Guillame explained that his method is amazing for those going through menopause, too.

LEARN MORE: Lymphatic drainage: everything you need to know

The Axo Method and menopause

Hormonal balance

Lymphatic drainage and osteopathic scooping help blood circulation and the movement of hormones, which can help alleviate symptoms such as hot flushes, mood swings and sleep disturbances commonly experienced during menopause.

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Stress reduction

Anyone going through menopause knows it can bring heightened stress and anxiety. The dry brushing and lymphatic drainage in the Axo Method helps you relax, potentially easing symptoms associated with menopause.

READ: Is stress making your menopause worse? An expert explains

Pain relief

Many people going through menopause experience joint pain, muscle tension and headaches. The Axo Method can help with physical discomfort, offering much-needed relief.

man giving a woman a massage outside
Guillame uses scooping techniques to ease tension

My Axo Method experience

I'd expected to finish the session feeling relaxed, but I hadn't predicted the feeling of total rejuvenation that I experienced.

The treatment started with Guillame pressing down on my hips, and he was immediately displeased with me, stating that from the one touch he could tell they were tight.

RELATED: I tried a menopause spa day – I've never felt so relaxed

He got to work on my abdomen first, performing the osteopathic scooping movements across my stomach (somewhat painful, but at least I knew something was happening!), before repeating the scooping on my legs and arms, and then on my back and shoulders – which is where the magic happened.

Woman receiving lymphatic massage on her abdomen.
The Axo Method includes abdominal massage (Getty)

Tiny movements and applying pressure to different areas had my body cracking and feeling looser than it's ever felt. I've had bad shoulder pain for several weeks, and as Guillame worked on my shoulder blades I could feel the tension releasing. I'd be lying if I said it was pleasant, but it was certainly satisfying.

My shoulder has been frozen for weeks and post-treatment, I was able to move it freely.

I walked away from my session feeling light and energetic, as well as full of positivity. The next day, though my abdomen was tender from the scooping, I still felt bright and breezy – and my shoulder hasn't given me any issues since.

Find out more about The Axo Method