I'm in the best shape of my life at 44 - these are my 7 daily habits

Woman flexing while holding dumbells
Rachel works hard on her fitness and wellness routine

My transformation journey began when I found myself at a crossroads. I had gained 30 kilos and I felt trapped in a cycle of depression, self-doubt and isolation.

With three kids under five, I was exhausted and struggling to keep up, both physically and mentally. My energy was depleted, my body ached constantly and I was diagnosed with osteopenia in both hips.

The realisation hit me hard: if I didn't make a change, I wouldn't be able to live the active, adventurous life I had always envisioned with my children—skiing, surfing, and exploring the world together.

side by side photo of a woman before and after weight loss
Rachel is proud of her transformation

The turning point

The turning point came in 2016 when my brother sat me down for a heart-to-heart, telling me that I didn't seem like myself anymore. His words struck a chord. I knew it was time to act. I recognised that my perfectionist, all-or-nothing mindset had been holding me back. Years of binge eating and yo-yo dieting had taken their toll, but this time, I was determined to make a lasting change — one rooted in sustainability and balance.

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Making a change

At 40, I started small by walking around my block. Those walks turned into trips to the park, which eventually led to short, 25-minute at-home workouts.

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As my confidence grew, so did my commitment. I joined a gym and began working out five days a week. My routine included HIIT and strength training, with a couple of low-intensity cardio sessions such as walking or using the elliptical to balance things out.

Woman in brown activewear stretching
Nutritionist and wellness coach Rachael Sacerdoti follows a sustainable daily routine

Throughout this journey, I've embraced the idea of sustainability. If something isn't sustainable, I won't do it. I've learned that balance is key — I want to enjoy my life, not live in restriction. This philosophy has allowed me to maintain my progress without feeling deprived or overwhelmed.

I attribute my success to these seven daily habits…

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My daily habits

Mindset check

I prioritise progress over perfection and have let go of the all-or-nothing mentality. This mindset shift has been crucial to my long-term success.

Daily workouts

My focus is on strength training and low-intensity cardio. I aim for five strength sessions a week, emphasising progressive overload to continually challenge myself.

Woman flexing while holding dumbells
Rachel works hard on her fitness and wellness routine

Balanced nutrition

I prioritise whole foods and a high-protein diet. My typical day includes three meals and a snack, often complemented by a protein shake. I aim for 140 grams of protein most days.


Each day I aim for 7,000 to 10,000 steps daily. General movement is vital not just for burning calories, but also for maintaining energy levels and easing joint discomfort.

woman stretching against a blue sky wearing black activewear
Rachel always stays active


I push myself to drink at least 2.5 litres of water daily. It's not always easy since I'm not a big water drinker, but I know it's essential for my health and I feel so much better for it.

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Rest and recovery

My sleep alarm goes off at 10 p.m. to remind me that it's time to prioritise rest. Adequate sleep is my non-negotiable, especially when balancing fitness goals with running a business and caring for my family.


My daily regimen includes five grams of creatine, vitamin C, magnesium biglycinate and ashwagandha before bed to support my overall wellness.

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A word on motivation

My final piece of advice — motivation is fleeting. It's easy to feel motivated before a beach vacation or a special event, but it doesn't last. That's why I don't rely on motivation alone.

Instead, I've built a foundation of discipline that carries me through the days when I'm not feeling it. I have a simple rule: if I'm not into my workout after 10 minutes, I give myself permission to stop. But almost every time, I push through and end up having a great session. It's about showing up, day in and day out, and making fitness a non-negotiable part of my life.

 Find out more about working with Rachel