Here Are the Best Crystals to Charge for October's Full Moon in Aries

Full moons are powerful and revelatory, but this one is particularly potent due to the astrology at play

Best crystals for the full moon
Best crystals for the full moon

With October’s full moon in Aries fast approaching, it's important to prepare for the intense and emotionally charged energy this lunation will bring. Full moons are always powerful times of culmination and revelation, but this one is particularly potent due to the astrology at play.

What makes this full moon especially powerful is the fact that it’s in Aries, a sign ruled by Mars, the planet of action, drive and sometimes conflict. Aries full moons already tend to be more intense as they push us toward bold actions, but this lunation is further complicated by Mars in Cancer, a zodiac sign where the fiery planet feels somewhat out of place.

For instance, Mars thrives in direct, assertive energy but sentimental Cancer is more temperamental and cautious. This creates an internal conflict as we may feel a surge of passion and desire to act but, at the same time, feel held back by emotional vulnerabilities or the need for safety and comfort.

Adding to this tension is the fact that this full moon forms a “Cardinal cross,” involving Pluto in Capricorn, the sun in Libra and the moon in Aries. This tense aspect is incredibly powerful, often stirring up deep transformations, particularly in areas where we’ve been resistant to change.

A Cardinal cross takes place when each of the Cardinal signs square off with each other. It’s a battle of wills, and neither energy is willing to back down. Look at it this way: Pluto, the planet of transformation and rebirth, squares the full moon, forcing us to confront issues of control, power and deep-seated fears.

Pluto's influence during this lunation can bring up feelings we’ve been suppressing, prompting emotional purging and a need for drastic change. It’s a time when truths are revealed, whether we’re ready for them or not.

Meanwhile, the sun in Libra, which seeks harmony, balance and fairness, opposes the moon in Aries, highlighting the tension between our need for peace in relationships and our desire for independence and self-expression.

This push-and-pull between the “self” (Aries) and “other” (Libra) can create challenges in our interpersonal dynamics as we navigate the balance between asserting ourselves and maintaining harmony in our connections.

This Cardinal cross sets the stage for a profound period of growth, but one that may feel uncomfortable or confrontational. 

Read on for how to charge your crystals and manifest under October’s full moon in Aries.

Why should you charge your crystals during the full moon?

Charging crystals beneath the full moon is a timeless ritual grounded in the belief that lunar energy can purify, enhance and rejuvenate a crystal’s innate powers.

During the full moon phase, the opposition between the sun and moon signifies a heightened state of energy, insight and intuition. This gravitational pull between the two celestial bodies generates a potent energy that is thought to be perfect for recharging crystals, amplifying and cleansing their natural abilities.

The light of the moon is believed to elevate the crystals' vibrational frequencies, making them more potent tools for manifestation.

When is the best time to charge crystals for October's full moon?

This month's full moon in Aries will peak on Oct. 17 at 7:26 a.m. ET.

The best time to charge crystals for the full moon is during the night of the lunation and the nights surrounding it. The peak energy of the full moon occurs when the moon is at its fullest, but the energy can last up to three days. Here are the best times to charge crystals:

Night before the full moon: If you want to start early, the moon is nearly full at this time, and its energy is already very potent.

Night of the full moon: This is the most powerful time to charge your crystals. The moon's energy is at its peak, providing the maximum amount of lunar energy for your crystals to absorb.

Night after the full moon: The energy of the full moon is still strong, and this night can be used if you miss the peak or want to extend the charging process.

What are the best crystals to charge for October's full moon?

Charging crystals under the full moon allows you to tap into the powerful and transformative energies at play. With the moon reaching its peak in the bold and assertive sign of Aries, themes of courage, independence, and action take center stage.

However, Aries energy can sometimes lead to impulsivity and heightened emotions, so it’s crucial to find balance and stay grounded as this lunation may bring tense aspects that challenge our patience and stability.

Here are four crystals to charge and why they are beneficial:

Tiger's Eye

<p>benedek/Getty</p> Tiger-eye



This is the perfect ally during times of uncertainty or emotional overwhelm, which can easily arise during this Aries full moon. Tiger’s Eye is known for its grounding and protective energy, helping you to stay rooted and focused, even when life feels chaotic. The essence of Aries pushes us toward action and decision-making, and a tiger’s eye stone can provide the clarity and patience needed to take courageous steps forward without being swept away by impulsivity.

Smoky Quartz

<p>Getty</p> crystal healing smoky quartz tower


crystal healing smoky quartz tower

This is a powerful stone for releasing and transmuting negative energy, which makes it all the more valuable during a full moon that could trigger emotional intensity. Smoky quartz can help you stay grounded and calm, particularly when you’re feeling overwhelmed or anxious due to the energetic shifts brought on by this lunation. The full moon in Aries can provoke tension or stir up inner conflict, and this crystal can help soothe those frayed nerves.

Black Tourmaline

<p>Getty</p> Black Tourmaline Gem


Black Tourmaline Gem

A must-have when navigating the energetic turbulence that can come with an intense full moon like this one, black tourmaline is known for its protective and grounding properties. It acts as an energetic shield that keeps negative influences at bay. With the Aries moon encouraging bold action, this crystal helps you remain steady, offering a sense of safety and security when things feel uncertain.


<p>Getty</p> Crystal healing, carnelian


Crystal healing, carnelian

This high-energy stone aligns perfectly with Aries’ dynamic and passionate nature. Known for boosting motivation, creativity and confidence, carnelian encourages you to embrace the courageous spirit of this Fire sign and go after your goals with enthusiasm. However, during a full moon where tensions may run high, Carnelian also reinforces your ability to stay focused and resilient, even when life demands bold, swift decisions.

What should you do with your crystals after the full moon?

Once you've charged your crystals, there are several steps you can take to integrate their renewed energy into your daily life and manifestation process.

Set intentions with your crystals: At your own pace, hold each crystal in your hand and set specific intentions that resonate with their distinct energy and properties. Speak or meditate on your goals, aspirations or specific areas of life where you need support.

Carry the crystals with you: Keep your charged crystals close to you by placing them in your pocket, wearing them as jewelry or keeping them in a small pouch. Having them nearby ensures that their energy surrounds your aura, providing continuous support and protection.

Adorn your personal space: With strategy and intention, place your crystals in specific locations around your home and workspace.

Tiger’s Eye: Place in areas where you want to feel grounded and motivated, such as your desk or a workspace.

Smoky Quartz: Position in areas that require calm, grounded energy, such as your living room or meditation space.

Black Tourmaline: Keep near your entryway or any high-traffic area to protect your space from unwanted energy.

Carnelian: Decorate in areas that spark creativity and motivation, such as your office or a creative corner.

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