
Shoplifters Use Mustang To Flee From California Police

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Shoplifters Use Mustang To Flee From California Police
Shoplifters Use Mustang To Flee From California Police

What started as police responding to some shoplifters at a Target in Ventura County, California ended in an hour-long chase as a Ford Mustang lost a rear tire, the driver finally giving up. We have a lot of thoughts about this interesting story that seems a little too common in the Golden State.

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First of all, Southern California is known for its lengthy police chases. Some blame the extensive highway system, allowing suspects to drive endlessly if they so choose. Surely that’s a factor, but there’s more going on than just the roads.


Another thing to consider is many law enforcement agencies there have incredibly restrictive chase policies. Multiple times during the pursuit, California Highway Patrol could’ve easily pitted the Mustang, bringing the dangerous chase to an immediate close. Instead, it just kept on going.

In fact, it was the driver of the Mustang damaging the rear tire and it coming off that caused the guy to stop, not police following behind at a polite distance. We know everyone has their own views on police pursuit policies, but this sure seems like yet another ridiculous example out of California.

What’s more, the fact you have people allegedly shoplifting from a Target store using a Ford Mustang as a getaway car, and not some crappy old SN95, tells us perhaps there is a lot of money to be made shoplifting from stores, at least in the right areas.

We’ve heard organized crime is behind a lot of the shoplifting, but either they’re paying the guys snatching stuff some good money or these two decided to steal a Mustang as a getaway car.

Finally, can police in Southern California and other areas learn to use Grappler Bumpers or at least Stop Sticks? What is the point of just following behind a suspect, waiting for them to get into a big crash with some innocent civilian? When there are tools other than PIT maneuvers to end chases, why aren’t those being used?

Image via The Chas is On!/YouTube

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