
Nissan Cube Gets Cubed By Semi-Truck

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Nissan Cube Gets Cubed By Semi-Truck
Nissan Cube Gets Cubed By Semi-Truck

Getting rearended by a semi-truck is never a good scenario, but for this Nissan Cube it was and even worse situation. The little crossover was cubed even more, the back of the vehicle completely crushed all the way to the front seats by the collision, trapping the driver inside.

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This scary accident happened in Moreno Valley, California back on October 2 with the aftermath documented by OnScene TV. Quite frankly, the driver was fortunate to have not been pancaked as well, all things considered.

Back when it was still being sold as a new vehicle in the US, the Nissan Cube didn’t exactly do well in crash tests. That was especially true for rear impact tests, simulating something similar to this accident.


It’s easy to see why the Cube gained such a negative reputation. While a lot of vehicles will be mangled by a semi slamming into them from behind, to have the rear portion of a car just annihilated like this is bad.

According to OnScene TV, it took firefighters about 20 minutes to extricate the driver, who suffered a head laceration and other injuries. It’s a miracle the crash wasn’t fatal.

The crash between the semi-truck and Nissan Cube was part of a five vehicle wreck. Usually these pileup wrecks are the result of drivers following too closely and/or being distracted. We know in areas where traffic is thick, like Southern California, the temptation is to stick close to the car in front lest you keep getting “cut off” by other drivers who want in your lane. The risk you run is getting into a crash like this.

In total, at least three people were transported to the hospital.

Image via OnScene TV/YouTube

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