
Death Wish Harley Rider Pushes Past 110 MPH Running From Police

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Death Wish Harley Rider Pushes Past 110 MPH Running From Police
Death Wish Harley Rider Pushes Past 110 MPH Running From Police

Pushing your Harley-Davidson north of 110 mph while running from Arkansas troopers is about as dumb as running multiple red lights with it. The suspect in this wild Arkansas State Police dashcam footage did all of that and more while trying to get out of a speeding ticket.

Watch an Arkansas trooper try to pull over a C7 Corvette.

If you think that sounds like a horrible idea, it really is, but the guy allegedly was intoxicated at the time, so perhaps that’s the reason for such horrible life decisions. He even goes the wrong way on a road at one point, getting a little too close to oncoming traffic for our comfort.


But the scariest part comes when this guy gets back on the highway with two troopers in hot pursuit, so he pushes the bike beyond 100 mph. Immediately it starts wobbling, a clear sign to anyone with it that they should bake off the throttle.

Of course he doesn’t, tempting fate all to avoid the consequences of his poor choices. After all, there’s no difficult situation in your life you can’t make worse by doubling down on choosing the wrong path, like running from police.

Eventually, with three troopers present they try boxing this suspect in to get him to stop. He slips between two of the cruisers the first time, then drives over the shoulder to an on-ramp, going the wrong way to get away the second time.

Realizing the chase could have fatal consequences, one of the troopers knocks the Harley over as the guy tries turning into a business’ parking lot. The rider takes off on foot, clearly not knowing when he’s caught. He also doesn’t know how to exercise his Fifth Amendment rights as he just yammers after getting cuffed.

There’s plenty of debate about what causes the dreaded Harley death wobble, just like what causes Jeep death wobble, etc. It could have to do with tire inflation or any number of mechanical components being worn or out of adjustment. It can also be due to rider error. We can’t tell why this guy’s bike was wobbling, but anyone thinking clearly would slow down if their motorcycle starts doing this sort of thing for obvious reasons.

Image via Police Pursuits/YouTube

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