
Code Brown Moment: Helene Mudslide Caught On Dashcam

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Code Brown Moment: Helene Mudslide Caught On Dashcam
Code Brown Moment: Helene Mudslide Caught On Dashcam

A truly frightening moment was caught on dashcam as a mountainside in Asheville, North Carolina gave way to a sudden mudslide during Hurricane Helene, washing over the road. We assume the person driving the camera car got out of the situation relatively unharmed, but it’s also quite possible many others didn’t.

Electric cars are causing headaches after Hurricane Helene flooding.

In the dashcam footage, which was posted to Facebook, we see the rear-facing camera on a vehicle as it travels down a rain-soaked road while heavy cloud cover is above. Thanks to the bad weather, a number of semi-trucks and some cars are parked on the side of the road, likely trying to wait out the worst of the storm.


That might not have been the wisest strategy. We hear the driver suddenly exclaim “whoa” as he accelerates, dodging a wall of mud which comes pouring off the mountain from the opposite side of the road.

There are a number of things we dread seeing in our rearview mirror, like a cop’s flashing lights or the looming grille of a Dodge Ram. But watching a mountainside suddenly give way in a wave of mud washing over the street is far more frightening.

After all, forces of nature can easily crush individuals, let alone entire settlements of humans. You in your puny car have little protection from the devasting effects of a mudslide

While it looks like the camera car escapes the worst of the mudslide, the same can’t be said of a few vehicles parked right in the path of destruction. We hope the people inside were able to survive the event without any serious injuries.

The camera car still takes a licking from the flying debris. The back window is broken, obscuring our view of the mudslide at the end of the footage. We hope the driver was wearing his brown pants that day, because it showed afterwards if he didn’t.

Image via Wildman Ward/Facebook

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