
Car Catches Fire, Drives Itself Into Horrified Crowd

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Car Catches Fire, Drives Itself Into Horrified Crowd
Car Catches Fire, Drives Itself Into Horrified Crowd

It’s terrifying enough to see a car fire, but to have one come barreling at you suddenly, well that’s a new fear we didn’t even know was possible. But just such a thing happened to a frightened crowd of onlookers in Jaipur, India as they madly scatter to get out of its way.

Tesla ironically catches fire.

Footage of the incident, which we’ve included, shows what appears to be a crossover of some sort fully engulfed in flames, kicking out plenty of thick, black smoke. The vehicle, which is sitting on an elevated road, a highway if you must, has stopped traffic on one end.


At the other end, downhill from the inferno is a crowd of onlookers, most of them on foot or standing with their motorcycles. Everyone seems to be enjoying the show until the burning car suddenly starts rolling downhill toward the gathered group on foot.

Panic ripples through the crowd as many run downhill, some to get into their waiting cars, others to ride away on their motorcycles. But others it seems don’t understand they’re running in the exact direction the inferno is headed, keeping themselves in harm’s way.

With the people bunched up, they struggled to scatter. One guy can’t get his motorcycle started in time, abandoning it on its side at the last second, avoiding getting scorched by the fire on wheels coming straight at him.

The driverless car, pure flames licking through what seems to be at this point a barren interior, continues driving itself down the steepening grade as more people flee for their lives. It gains momentum and speed, almost sideswiping a parked car as it barrels toward the surface street below, which is packed with unmoving traffic.

Before that disaster unfolds, the inferno-mobile hits the barrier on the gore point, then gets hung up on a single pilon just before it enters the bustling street. Had this vehicle kept going, there’s no telling what might have happened. This is truly the kind of thing made of nightmares.

Images via PigeonBoiAgrougrou/Reddit