
What your partner DOESN’T want for Christmas

You can do better than this. Image: Getty
You can do better than this. Image: Getty

Fairy lights, Christmas trees, carols and bucket-loads of stress. If you’re buying a gift for a tricky loved one, you’ll know the feeling. What do they want? What do they need? How much should I spend? Isn’t my love enough?

Want to be a gift-giving extraordinaire but think you’re a gift-giving failure? We’ve all been there, it’s okay.

The average Australian will buy 10 gifts around Christmas for family, friends and colleagues.

That’s a lot of shopping, so here are some handy tips:

Buying for a boyfriend or husband

Trying to find something thoughtful for your boyfriend this Christmas?

Don’t: husbands and boyfriends want technology, clothing and alcohol this year, but they’re not too fussed on “thoughtful gifts”, with this demographic the least fond of this category.

What about my girlfriend or wife?

Guys, if you’re buying for your girlfriend or wife, steer clear of hobby-related presents.

Instead, look to experiences, travel and holidays or jewellery.


If you’re buying for someone older than 65, your best bets are books, clothing, technology or gadgets.

And here’s the great thing, these recipients are the most likely to just be happy to receive a gift in the first place.

My Mum?

Mums are easy to please, they – along with your grandparents – are the most happy to just receive anything. However if you want to express your love, you should be looking at things like jewellery, clothing and travel or holidays.


Chances are your dad wants something to do with his hobbies. Outside of this, Dads will be pleased with technology or gadgets, alcohol or clothing.

I should give my friend a present

Look at you, you good friend.

If you’re buying for someone between 18 and 34, they’re most likely to want something to do with their hobbies. They’re also into clothing, travel and holidays and jewellery.

If you’re buying for someone between 35 and 49 they’ll be pleased with technology, clothing and travel or holiday-themed gifts. However, this demographic is also the most likely to want something thoughtful.

Aussies between 50 and 64 are the least likely to want something unique or unusual. Instead, stick to the old favourites: alcohol, jewellery, watches and clothing.

Too hard, can I just get them a gift card?

Definitely; gift cards were the number one most-wanted gift across the board.

This present is a bona fide crowd pleaser, as they tick the box for the recipient but also eliminate the stress of finding the perfect gift for the shopper.

“Gift cards are also a quick and easy solution for those who can’t quite decide what to get a loved one,” PayPal Australia’s shopping expert Liz Lefort told Yahoo Finance.

“When time is running out for online delivery and instore queues are miles long, online gift cards take away the stress of impulse buys, helping Aussies to make the right choices within their budget.”

Australians are buying fashion, entertainment and experience gift cards this year.

The big question: How much should I spend?

This comes down to you and your budget. Some families do Kris Kringles to cut costs while others impose spending limits.

However, the average Australian will spend $592.60 this year on Christmas gifts.

This is how PayPal suggests you carve up your budget:

How will you divvy-up your spending? Source: PayPal. Image: Yahoo Finance
How will you divvy-up your spending? Source: PayPal. Image: Yahoo Finance

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