
Netflix co-founder shares his 8 rules for success

Netflix co-founder Marc Randolph shares his formula for success. Source: Getty
Netflix co-founder Marc Randolph shares his formula for success. Source: Getty

If there’s anyone to listen to when it comes to success, it’s Netflix co-founder Marc Randolph.

He and co-founder Reed Hastings took on Blockbuster back in 2000, asking for US$50 million to get their streaming service off the ground.

While Blockbuster rejected the proposal, 10 years later Netflix drove Blockbuster into bankruptcy, making the co-founders an underdog success story.

Now, Randolph has taken to LinkedIn to spread eight ‘rules for success’ passed on to him from his father.

“When I was twenty-one years old, fresh out of college and about to start my first job, my father gave me a handwritten list of instructions,” Randolph said.

“I've passed them on to my own children and the original copy hangs next to my bathroom mirror.”

Here they are:

  1. Do at least 10 per cent more than you are asked;

  2. Never, ever, to anybody present as fact opinions on things you don’t know. Takes great care and discipline;

  3. Be courteous and considerate always - up and down;

  4. Don’t knock, don’t complain - stick to constructive, serious criticism;

  5. Don’t be afraid to make decisions when you have the facts on which to make them;

  6. Quantify where possible;

  7. Be open-minded but skeptical;

  8. Be prompt.

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