
Here's a map of all the sausage sizzles on election day

Democracy Sausage online map of inner west Sydney. (Image: Yahoo Finance screenshot)
Democracy Sausage online map of inner west Sydney. (Image: Yahoo Finance screenshot)

Yahoo Finance will have the election covered this Saturday. Stay tuned to the website and your inbox for our coverage.

A unique tradition in Australia on election day is local community groups cooking up sausages to raise funds through hungry voters.

Whether you like it in a bun or a sandwich, or prefer it with onions or without, there is a website – Democracy Sausage – that has mapped every polling location in Australia and whether there will be sausages.

So now you can go to a specific location to vote if you want food to go with your democracy.

And not just sausages, the map has also noted whether the polling booth will have coffee, cakes, bacon and egg rolls, vegetarian options or is halal compliant.

If the information is available, the opening hours for the food and drink service is also published, as well as a message about who the funds are raised for.

The data is crowdsourced, so if you're raising funds this Saturday make sure your organisation is represented on the map.

Price is the one bit of data that is missing at Democracy Sausage. One sausage sandwich should range from $2.50 – which is the going rate for fundraisers at Bunnings – to as high as $5.

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