
Applying for a job? Here’s what the perfect resumé looks like

How to write the best resumé, according to Harvard. Source: Getty
How to write the best resumé, according to Harvard. Source: Getty

Building a resumé is the bane of every job-seeker’s existence.

It’s a lengthy, tedious task, and everyone has different ways of doing things, which makes it an ambiguous process too.

But, Harvard’s Office of Career Services has shared a few tips and tricks to make the perfect resumé.

Top 4 tips for writing the perfect resumé

According to Harvard, these four tips will make your resumé outshine the rest.

  1. Language needs to be specific instead of general, which means you need to be articulate, write actively (not passively), and be fact-based.

  2. Your resumé needs to be short, sharp, and easy to follow, which means using consistent spacing, underlining, italics and bold.

  3. Your experience should also be in reverse chronological order (put your most recent experience first).

  4. You should never use personal pronouns in your resumé or include your age or sex. Slang words, abbreviations and pictures are also a big no-no.

Here are some of Harvard’s examples.

Sample resumé. Source: Harvard Office of Career Services
Sample resumé. Source: Harvard Office of Career Services
Sample resumé. Source: Harvard Office of Career Services
Sample resumé. Source: Harvard Office of Career Services
Sample resumé. Source: Harvard Office of Career Services
Sample resumé. Source: Harvard Office of Career Services

The top 5 resumé mistakes

If you’ve built your resumé to perfection but stumbled over one, two or all of the below, don’t expect a call-back.

  1. Spelling and grammar errors

  2. Missing email and phone information

  3. Using passive language instead of “action” words

  4. Too lengthy

  5. Not concise enough

5 top tips for writing the perfect cover letter

But it’s not just your resumé that your potential employer looks at, your cover letter is just as important.

Your cover letter is actually a writing sample and part of the screening process, so it’s important to put your best foot forward here, Harvard explained.

“ A good way to create a response-producing cover letter is to highlight your skills or experiences that are most applicable to the job or industry and to tailor the letter to the specific organisation you are applying to,” they said.

Here are Harvard’s 5 tips for writing the perfect cover letter.

  1. Try and address your letter to a specific person if you can, and do some background research on your potential employer to tailor your letter.

  2. In your opening paragraph, you should clearly state why you’re writing the cover letter, and name the position you want to apply for.

  3. Your middle paragraphs should be an explanation of why you’re interested in the employer, and any relevant school or work experience you’ve had that makes you suited for the role. “Emphasise skills or abilities that relate to the job,” Harvard said. “Be sure to do this in a confident manner and remember that the reader will view your letter as an example of your writing skills.”

  4. Your closing paragraph should reiterate your interest in the position, thank the reader for their consideration and ask for a meeting. Remember to follow up.

  5. Cover letters should not be more than a page.

Sample cover letter. Source: Harvard Office of Career Services
Sample cover letter. Source: Harvard Office of Career Services

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