
ChatGPT: Millions of Aussies using AI for work

Would you use ChatGPT to help you with your work? Well, it turns out millions of Aussies are already doing it.

ChatGPT and work AI
Almost one in five Aussies have used AI tools like ChatGPT to help them to do their work. (Source: Getty)

Artificial intelligence (AI) is set to shake up workplaces, and millions of Aussies are already using tools like ChatGPT on the job.

A new Finder survey revealed almost one in five workers (17 per cent) had used artificial intelligence tools to help them do their work.

The majority of those (12 per cent) had only used AI once or twice for work, while 5 per cent said they were using the technology daily. A further one in five (20 per cent) of the 666 people surveyed said they were keen to use AI, but hadn’t done so yet.

Finder personal finance expert Taylor Blackburn said AI could be useful across a range of sectors, including media, customer service, education and human resources.

“It can be used for time-consuming things, whether it’s repetition or the time it takes to put together a structure, for example. AI can do that in seconds,” Blackburn said.

Young Aussies were the most likely to utilise AI, with nearly 23 per cent of Gen Z and 19 per cent of Gen Y admitting to using the technology. That was compared to just 8 per cent of Baby Boomers.

“Younger people are more interested in it because of the boundless possibilities and it’s a bit easier to pick up new tricks when you are younger,” Blackburn said.

“That said, I can see it becoming more mainstream as people start to really see the benefits across different industries.”

Of the remaining people surveyed, 42 per cent said they wouldn’t use AI for anything at work, while 22 per cent said their work didn’t involve computers.

Jobs at risk of automation

While AI tools can make some jobs more efficient, it also means some risk being overtaken by automation.

Workforce data and analytics platform Faethm by Pearson found the workers most at risk of future job losses were typically in jobs that generally required lower levels of skill, such as retail workers and checkout operators.

Other jobs whose headcounts were likely to be impacted by automation included accountants, bookkeepers and general clerks, it found.

For the financial and insurance services, impacted jobs included bank workers, financial-investment advisers and insurance consultants. While in the health and social-assistance sector, jobs at risk included medical receptionists, general receptionists and childcare workers.

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