
$464 fine awaits anyone breaking this road rule near schools

Children’s crossings are provided near schools to allow schoolkids to cross roads safely so it’s no wonder there are a plethora of road rules designed to protect anyone using them.

It’s why any driver approaching a children’s crossing too quickly is likely to cop a hefty penalty if they are caught by the police.

Big fines and multiple demerit points will be handed out to anyone found breaking this rule and flooring it near a school. So just how much could it cost you?

Children's road crossing sign.
Drivers are not allowed to approach children's crossings too quickly on Australian roads. Source: Getty Images (Adam Calaitzis via Getty Images)

Road rules protecting schoolchildren

There is never any shortage of warnings telling drivers they are approaching a school zone and the need to slow down as a children’s crossing is likely just around the corner.

It’s why the first section of Rule 80 in the Australian Road Rules allows the authorities to punish anyone they think is approaching too quickly at a children’s crossing.

While the rule does not give a distinct speed limit, the understanding is that the rule can be applied if nearby police judge that the vehicle wouldn't be able to stop before reaching the crossing.

It’s generally easy to identify a crossing as there will either be a crossing supervisor helping people cross and carrying a handheld stop sign or there are flags placed roadside indicating where the crossing location is on the road.

Understandably, the rules are virtually the same no matter where you go in Australia as all states have integrated this road rule into their local legislations.

School children crossing the road.
Drivers will be handed big fines and three demerit points if caught by polcie traveling to quickly to stop. Source: Getty Images (yellowsarah via Getty Images)

Police hammer down on hot-footed drivers

If you are caught by the police while going too quickly towards a children’s crossings, then don’t expect them to be lenient with you.

Police in almost every state will unleash big penalties with heavy fines and multiple demerits points being added to an offender’s licence. Some of the heavier penalties include:

NSW: Across New South Wales, any driver approaching a children’s crossing too quickly will be handed a $464 fine and given three demerit points by NSW Police.

VIC: If drivers are found to be travelling too quickly at any children’s crossing in Victoria, they could be liable to a $454 fine and three demerit points from Victoria Police.

QLD: Queensland Police don’t take any prisoners if they catch a driver travelling too quickly towards a children’s crossing and will hit offenders with a $413 fine as well as add three demerit points to their licence.

WA: Drivers in Western Australia face copping three demerit points on their licence for travelling too fast towards a children’s crossing as well as getting a fine of six penalty units, equalling $300, from the local authorities.

TAS: In Tasmania, anyone considering to be travelling too quickly towards a children’s crossing will be given a $216 fine by Tasmania Police as well as cop three demerit points on their licence.

ACT: Drivers in Canberra face large fines for approaching children’s crossings too quickly as they will get hit with a $491 fine and three demerit points from ACT Police.

School children crossing the road.
Drviers in New South Wales could face fines of $464 as well three demerit points from NSW Police. Source: Getty Images (yellowsarah via Getty Images)

Bizarrely enough, South Australia won’t punish drivers for approaching a children’s crossing too quickly, however, anyone who fails to stop at one can expect a fine of $559 and to get three points added to their licence.

Taking all this into context, these road rules make it abundantly clear that drivers will be punished for travelling too quickly at a children’s crossing regardless of what the outcome might be.

It serves as a stark warning to drivers that they should always take extra caution around school zones and ensure that they slow down appropriately to ensure that kids can cross roads safely near schools.

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